
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The Quebec presentation is much on my mind these days as the deadline slowly creeps up on me.  I decided to not use this photo as it is rather dark, and I had a somewhat better photo of the work table to put in the Power Point presentation.  This one better shows how the cloth storage roller fits onto the table for inspection/repair/cutting.  If you look closely at the upright in the front left of the photo you can see a 'notch'.  There is another one at the other end of the table and into these notches the second warp beam fits.  The table top comes off and then the table can be used to beam a warp while the other (dressed) warp beam is being woven off in the loom. 

Having the ability to prep the next warp while the loom was functionally weaving cut down turn around time by at least a day, if not two, when I was in high gear.  Now such efficiency isn't required so I rarely use this tool, just dress the loom each time it is empty.

But I've come up against a scheduling dilemma.  My 3rd chemo treatment is supposed to be June 1, but I'm booked to leave on the 6 am (yuk) flight on the 3rd of June for the conference in Quebec.  This prospect does not thrill me, so I'm hoping to shuffle my treatments in order to allow me to continue to live my life and meet my work committments.

In the pell-mell rush to treatment, life can get shoved to one side.  But there are a couple hundred people counting on me to be in Quebec and cancelling now would be detrimental to them - and my bankbook.  :(

Unfortunately my oncologist is in India - busy man, flying all over the world! - and no one else at the clinic wants to take responsibility for re-scheduling my treatments.  And so I have to wait until May 10 when I can talk to him personally and find out if he is agreeable to moving my treatments to accommodate my life/work.

I do not want this dis-ease to take over my life to the point where that is all that is considered.  Neither do I want to disappoint a couple hundred people who are willing to pay me to talk about weaving.  I know that weaving isn't in the same league as a whole lot of other human endeavours, but it's important to me and it's important to enough other people that I don't want to cancel any of my teaching contracts during treatment.  There are only 3 contracts - June, July and August - and hopefully this will happen.

So, once again I'm on hold, waiting to hear how this is going to play out.  If my treatments can get shuffled to better accommodate my teaching schedule, I won't have to cancel anything.  But right now all I can do is wait and see.

Currently reading Mennonite in a Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen


  1. I am sure they can move the treatment days a bit. Don't worry it will all work out.

  2. I'm sure everything will work out for you.

  3. One day at a time, Laura. And stay in charge of your life. That's what's most important.

  4. If it's just a short trip to Quebec, they should be able to delay your treatment until you get back. I'm sure they recognize that your mental health and happiness are integral to your recovery, so they need to make some allowances. It sounds like your presentation is coming together - thanks for sharing pieces of it with us.

  5. Hope they can adjust your treatment so you can go to Quebec. Love seeing the old pictures you're posting.
    Read Mennonite in a little Black Dress. Being one it makes me wonder if I'm related to her!! We're really a small group! It was such a funny book in so many ways. Sure could relate to it as far as the traditions goes!!! Living so far away from my "roots" it was good to be reminded of some of them.

  6. I've shuffled treatments around before to make sure I was up for a special occasion. It is hard to wait on someone else to see if everything's going to work out. I'll be praying for you that everything will go smoothly, both at home and the convention. Good luck!

  7. I hope treatment can be arranged to let you live your life and still make you well. I read your blog almost every day and catch up when I can't. You are an inspiration.
    Weaving is in a special class and it's very important. It's one of those things that keeps us in touch with life on a human scale. Best to you.
