
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Memory Lane

One of the things writing the presentation for Quebec is doing is taking me down Memory Lane.

This is the wedding photo of Doug's niece Heather.  (Unfortunately I don't have a photo of Shannon's wedding dress.)  I offered to weave the fabric for both girls wedding dresses and they wound up using the same seamtstress to sew their dresses.

Both girls got silk yardage - about 10 yeards worth, 48" wide.  The design for Heather's dress was a woven heart - Hearts for Heather.

It's been fun going through old slides and pulling out images of garments that I wove and had sewn - for myself, primarily, but also for other special people in my life - Doug, my mother, the two nieces and some friends.

I'm finding that writing the presentation in sections over a couple of weeks is allowing me to rummage through my memories and choose stories I particularly want to share.  Right now I'm trying to figure out how to add in some of the special things I've woven - the fabric for the Ukrainian dance troupe, Doug's sport coat, the wedding dress and so on.

Most recently the fabric that won second prize at Convergence 2002 yardage exhibit.  Selah sent me a jpg of the completed jacket, which looks great on the dress dummy.  Hope it looks as good on me when I get it this fall! 

Currently reading River Marked by Patricia Briggs


  1. I attended the keynote speaker at Southeast Fiber Forum held in Gatlinburg given by Catherine Ellis...and I loved how it was about how different our lives would have been by simply choosing yes or no.

  2. Hi Laura,
    Thanks for sharing the "memories". Wow, fabric for two wedding dresses, and many more items!!! Your jacket is going to look great on you, I can hardly wait to see the first picture - I remember seeing the fabric at Convergence in Vancouver. Neat, the timing in your life and going through the "memories" for your presentation - so many things to include. As always, thanks for sharing; take care and Happy Easter to you and Doug!!!
    Weaverly yours .... Barbara

  3. I'd sure love to see a close-up of this fabric, Laura. The dress is gorgeous!
