
Friday, April 15, 2011

Moving Right Along

When I said the oncologist wasn't letting any grass grow under his feet, little did I know.....

Chemo begins April 20.


  1. Laura,
    My thoughts and prayers will be with you on April 20th - hopefully the chemo treatments are easy on you. One step at a time, and just remember keep positive thoughts and remember the weaving community is rooting for you.
    Weaverly yours .... Barbara

  2. Sounds quick, but better than waiting and anticipating. Sending lots of good strong thoughts your way.

  3. Will be pulling for you. Good luck.

  4. The sooner, the better! As in, the sooner you start, the sooner you'll feel better. I'll be thinking of you.

  5. My big concern right now is that I need to be functional for the first two weeks in June - something I will have to discuss with the team on Tuesday. :}

    Thanks for your support. I'm happy to know that so many people are sending good positive thoughts and energy my way.


  6. Laura ~ It's good you don't have to wait, and wonder . . . . After all these months of waiting, enough already!! I'll be with you in thought and spirit on the 20th, and after,

  7. Hi :-)
    As a constant visitor of your blog (and I admire your work so much) I wish you all the Best!
    There is so much knowledge about treatment- much more than years ago and you are in such good hands- everything will work out fine!
    Best regards and a hug from Germany,

  8. Having lost friends and family due to long wait times for treatment,I am relieved for you. Better to adjust the work schedule to the treatment schedule any day. Sounds like your doc is on the ball! Thinking of you, Liz

  9. Go, chemo, go! Fight the good fight! The sooner you start, the sooner it's done. Praying for effective treatments and no side effects.

  10. We were all thinking of you in Sarasota. So, some weaving chat! a couple of weavers came back from a hand towel exchange. we passed the towels around the group. after your wet finishing class, we laughed and realized we were all analyzing the finishing and or lack of mangling! You are a great teacher who teaches a critical function in weaving we were all forgetting. Take care and just get it done!
    I am heading to Seattle for the week and also looking forward to my Fiber Fix at Weaving Works!

  11. My thoughts are with you, Laura! I'd cross my fingers too but that just makes it hard to knit. Big cyber hugs!

  12. Best wishes as you start your chemo. Download some relaxing sounds on your ipod to help you stay centered and relaxed during the process and after.
    Hugs from VA

  13. As a weaver who has battled cancer: take a warm, snuggly blanket with you. You will get cold, even if you never are cold. I second the idea of an ipod or something similar with soothing music, or a podcast, or an e-book. Taking your mind somewhere else is good. They will probably give you Benadryl first, so you may be sleepy and groggy -- don't try to do anything that takes focusing your eyesight. My husband would bring me a warm bagel and hot chocolate which really hit the spot -- you'll soon find out which foods become your 'comfort food' during this. I will be praying for your recovery.

  14. We are sending good thoughts and healing energy your way. You are a warrior woman and you will get through this. Roy and I are sending you many, many hugs from here in Ann Arbor.

    xo, Mary
