
Thursday, May 26, 2011

BC Generations Project

Recently I was contacted by the BC Cancer Agency to see if I would be willing to participate in a research project called BC Generations Project.

The goal is to recruit 40,000 British Columbians, study their genetics and health issues and try to figure out if there is a genetic component to disease - mainly cancer but also other genetic health issues.  Since I now have two of these diseases (coronary artery disease and cancer) I decided to participate. 

I registered online and will shortly be receiving my questionnaire.  Then I'll provide samples for the study. 

Even though I don't have children so I'm not passing on my particular set of genetics, I thought that this was a worthwhile study.  With all the 'challenges' I've had with my health for the last 3 years, someone, somewhere, ought to derive some benefit from whatever they can find out about my particular genetic soup.

If you are in BC, I urge you to consider participating.  They have just over 10,000 people registered so far.  The study is also taking place in other provinces in Canada - check it out and see if you feel able to participate, too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this link Laura.
    I just finished a five year study
    with the BC Cancer Clinic. They
    are a very devoted group of researchers and I feel so fortunate that so much help was
    available to me during my own
    cancer journey. I've signed up!
