
Friday, May 13, 2011


With chemo delayed a week I've been using the reprieve to work my way through the shawl warps.  Here is my work table with boxes of filled pirns, spools awaiting warp yarn, more cones of weft yarn to be wound onto pirns, and in the foreground a bucket of skeins waiting to be wound onto the spools. 

I use a squirrel cage swift to unwind the skeins.  I much prefer this tool rather than an umbrella swift.  It is free standing so I don't need to clamp it to anything and can move it where ever it is needed.  In this case, because I'm winding spools, it is in front of my worktable.  When I wind cones on my Silver Needles cone winder, the swift moves further into the foreground because the cone winder sits on the table itself.  At times I've even moved it into the laundry area when the space actually in my studio got too congested.  :}

This afternoon I finished weaving shawl #5 on the pink/lavender warp and was thinking I would finish the warp off tonight but then changed my mind about which colour I would weave next.   Instead I'll finish winding the dark coral/orange/yellow yarn so I can dress the loom tomorrow with that colour instead of the magenta/blue. 

I finished off the alpaca yarn and with one more shawl to weave decided to use some of the navy 2/40 worsted yarn - which meant changing the pick wheel.  The c/o/y yarn will also have the 2/40 for weft so that got moved up the queue so that I didn't have to change out the pick wheel again right away.  What can I say?  I'm lazy.  :}

There are five more warps to be woven.  I'm thinking I may just be able to get them all woven before I leave for Quebec.....

Currently reading Stolen by Kelley Armstrong


  1. I'm new to your blog, via Diane, and wish to send well wishes to you in your health journey.
    You do such lovely weaving! I am a beginner who likes to weave by the hair on her chinny chin chin. ;)

  2. My favourite part of this whole post? The faces doodled into the OO in the LOOM box over on the shelf!

    I have a little doodle of a heart-shaped Mom that she drew and left of my loom on the last day of a long visit, so that I'd find it when I got home from the airport. It hung on Mabel's beater for years and will hang from GlimGlam's just as soon as I figure out how to mount it. :D <3

  3. Welcome Maria to the wondeerful word of weaving. :)

    Janet, I never even noticed (or stopped noticing) the LOOM box. :D

    The box came with the Leclerc Fanny and holds extra heddles for her.


  4. Wow, that table looks familiar! It would fit right into the environment in my studio - crowded, not an inch to spare anywhere! And my security word is "dummo." Does that mean something?

  5. I love the sound of your color combos! Bright and uplifting! And I'm not familiar with a birdcage swift, so I'll check into that. I'm returning to weaving after a hiatus of several years and am putting together my space for everything.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts as you work on projects.
    Best with your upcoming chemo!
    Hugs from VA

  6. I'd love to have a larger studio where everything would have a place to be stored 'away' but that's not going to happen. So my workspace does triple and quadruple duty. :) For lack of a better term, I call it creative chaos........some days I get fed up shifting things around, but until I win the lottery, this is what I have to work with. :^)

    Glad I'm not the only one! :D

    Welcome back to weaving Martha.
