
Friday, June 10, 2011

Plans Change

I'm home early because life happened and plans had to change.

First of all, I had an absolutely great time in Quebec.  It was wonderful to meet the Quebec weavers.  They were warm and sympathetic - not to mention I saw some great textiles.  :) 

But it appears that the healing after my ankle surgery was not going as well as I thought it was and Monday afternoon it had swollen enormously, was tender and hot to the touch.  Anne Marie took me to the clinic where the doctor pronounced that I did, indeed, have an infection.  Not something I wanted to hear given my suppressed immune system!  He prescribed anti-biotics.  It was after 9 pm before we left the clinic and we still had a 3 hour drive to get to Quebec city.

We arrived and I was enscounced in the hotel - a small suite.  Which happily allowed me to make the saline solution I needed for the compress the doctor strongly suggested I use.

Instead of walking through the Old City, Anne Marie drove me around so I did manage to see some of the sights - and the sites.  Including the Plains of Abraham.  That was much closer to the city walls than I had imagined.

Since I don't speak French, the ATQ provided translaters.  They were all excellent and I hope I remembered to thank each one, but I rather suspect I didn't.  :(

Danyelle translated the key note, which seemed to go over well.  And I'm now officially over my 'fear' of doing a Power Point presentation!

The workshops went well - they were filled to maximum.  Danyelle again translated in Laval, and Anne Marie translated in Quebec.

Unfortunately my ankle didn't want to settle down, although the anti-biotics were starting to help.  But after the Quebec workshop Anne Marie again brought me to a clinic where the doctor was very reassuring and set my mind at ease.  But I didn't feel comfortable about sitting to travel, cramped in small spaces.  :(  Anne Marie generously volunteered to drive me back to Montreal so I could catch my flight.  We stopped at Trois Riviere for coffee at Tim Horton's and were also blessed with fairly light traffic and decent weather.

But I was still feeling uncomfortable about travel - specifically the 9 hour drive in the van home from Calgary, so I made arrangements to fly home early.  And so I'm home and Doug is left to manage the booth, pack up and drive home by himself.  I did manage to help him get the booth set up and even saw a few friends before I left the building at 3 pm.  Elizabeth kindly offered to drive me to the airport so I didn't have to take a cab.

I'm feeling guilty about leaving Doug to manage on his own, but not entirely.  If the infection doesn't get better I'd much rather be home in case of a hospital visit than out of province.  So far I've not developed a fever, so I'm hoping the anti-biotic is working and that it will soon be healed properly.  But I'm rather concerned that my next chemo, scheduled for Wednesday, will have to be delayed until the infection clears up.

Nor can I weave right now - that's just too much stress for it, I think. 

Currently reading Betrayer by C. J. Cherryh


  1. Laura, I´m glad you had a great time in Quebec, and I´m really sorry for your knee... I know it´s too much to ask, but, be patient, baby. One day at a time - take a deep breath... and feel our arms hugging you... :)))

    Take care,

    Claudia Rizzi

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sending a bunch of healing vibes!

  4. Laura, I am so sorry to hear that you have developed an infection in your ankle! I am sending healing thoughts your way with the hope that you are feeling much more comfortable now. Please make yourself a few cups of hot green tea they will help your immune system cope with the infection. A cup of hot tea and a good book with your ankle up on a pillow will do wonders. Hope you are on the mend and feeling much better now. All the best, Martha

  5. I'm sitting in the front window soaking up some rays and reading. And expect to continue that for the weekend. My ankle is much improved this morning in spite of the booth set up and flight home yesterday so I'm feeling much more comfortable knowing that the medication is working. :)

    Thanks for your good wishes. They mean a lot to me.

  6. Laura, hope you continue to feel better and that your treatment can go ahead next week.
    Best wishes, Margreet

  7. Sorry to hear the ankle's acting up! BTW, I've loved the entire Cherryh series set in this particular universe, and eagerly await each installment.

  8. I think I've liked every book she's written. :) Pity my favourite authors write so slowly. :^)


  9. I just want to say that while I'm a lurker, I appreciate your posts and always check in. Bad deal on the ankle - so sorry~

  10. My ankle is much improved today. I suspect the infection was simmering under the surface and flared with the stress of the trip and standing all day teaching. The meds have kicked in and I think I will be able to weave today. :)
