Monday, July 4, 2011

CanLit - sort of

Finished reading Blackfly Season this morning and just started the next in the series by Giles Blunt.

Bearing in mind that I usually read (although not exclusively) mystery, fantasy or science fiction, and historical novels (quite often mysteries), my range of authors is narrow. 

Recently I discovered Giles Blunt and fortunately the local library had all of his John Cardinal books in stock and I was able to get all of them except the very first so that I can read them in order - something I generally prefer to do with a series.

If you are Canadian, or are interested in life in Canada, Blunt is, well, blunt, about things like politics, current events and cultural references.

Other Canadian authors who unabashedly set their stories in Canada are, in no particular order, and not close to a complete list:

L. R. Wright (who died much too young) with two series set mostly on the Sunshine Coast
Laurence Gough - Vancouver and environs mostly
Gail Bowen - Saskatchewan
Louise Penny - Montreal area
Maureen Jennings - Toronto area, late 1800's - series was turned into a tv series although the movies made with Peter Outerbridge are truer to the flavour of the novels
James Huston

Then there are cultural icons like Farley Mowat, Mordecai Richler, Stephen Leacock, Margaret Atwood, Robertson Davies.

Other Canadian authors with a more universal 'voice' - Guy Gavriel Kay, Spider Robinson (actually an American ex-pat, living in the Vancouver area last I heard), William Gibson, Alan Bradley, Kelley Armstrong.

These are just some of the names I remember off the top of my head.  I know there are many, many more but these I enjoyed enough to remember and watch for new books as they become available.


pamela said...

Laura, Charles de Lint, Canadian modern fantasy and my favourite. Lives in Ottawa area and set s lot of his stories there till Hr created a town. Onion Girl was my first of his and still my favourite. Currently tearing robin hobbs dragon haven. Have read all her books. Pamela

pamela said...

God I hate spell check on my phone....u get the jest of the previous sun peaks for rnr. Pamela

Laura Fry said...

I thought of Charles de Lint after I published. :) Have only read one of his books - so far. Depths to plumb!

There are others I've read but cannot now remember names.

I've read all of Robin Hobb's books, too. Not yet read any of her other nom de plume Megan Lindholm or something.


Sue Bye said...

I love Louise Penny's books. She has a wonderful way with words. Of the others, I have read only Robertson Davies and Margaret Atwater. I'll put the others on my list. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I've just started reading Louise Penny - thanks to your recommendation on twitter, I think! - and I'm really enjoying the characters and the setting (we had a brilliant summer in Montreal one year so I'm a sucker for that region). Now I just have to work through the rest of your list...

Anonymous said...

I have never stopped being grateful to my bookseller-friend who suggested "The Rebel Angels" to me one Summer. Robertson Davies is such a wonderful writer..great story-teller with a gift for turning a phrase.

Laura Fry said...

Janet D. recommended Louise Penny to me. :)

Another cultural icon is Margaret Laurence. The Stone Angel is a pretty amazing book.


Kerstin på Spinnhuset said...

And don't forget Alice Munro - usually not very cheerful, but one of the great short-story writers (IMO, of course :-)

Laura Fry said...

Ah yes, Alice. Totally forgot about her. Along with lots others, no doubt. :)


Jamie said...

Stephen Leacock is wicked funny, most people have never heard of him as he is out of print here in the us of a. much to their loss.