
Friday, July 15, 2011

Seeking Answers

I've just added a poll to this blog and to my Facebook page asking if I ought to convert Magic in the Water; wet finishing handwovens to digital format.

I've spent a number of hours going through the pages, hired someone to scan the draft pages and am about to borrow a camera with macro lens in order to photograph the samples.  To convert the pages to digital format and make the book available for download is going to take upwards of 50 hours - or more - at my best guestimate. 

Should I be spending my time in this way?  Are people interested in the information in digital format at a much reduced price over the original Magic with actual fabric samples? 

A friend mentioned that if I was getting positive feedback I really ought to continue.  So, how about it?  Yes or no?


  1. Yes, and please charge for it.

  2. Yes, and as Ruth said, please charge for it! The work you did and information you presented in the original are wonderful and important, and while scans and photos aren't the same as the real thing, they still communicate very well.

    Good, important stuff.


  3. What is the choice here; to have the info in digital format or not to have it? I vote to have it!

    One of my go-to books is Mary Black's, Key to Weaving. When I discovered her samples on the web in digital form I was thrilled. So much clearer that the old B&W photos, and I can click and see so much detail.

    Nothing matches real swatches, but when thay are gone...

  4. I would love to have a digital copy of Magic in the Water!

  5. Have you tried scanning the fabric? Som scanners do a wonderful job - and easier than to photograph, too...

    (And yes - a digital copy is much better than no copy!)

  6. Yes, absolutely! I would have liked to be able to buy the real thing, but just couldn't justify the expense.

  7. Yes, I think you absolutely should go forward with it and charge for it. You have really made an impact on the weaving world. My class for Master Weaver level I is all about wet finishing - fulling. I find myself quoting you - "it isn't finished until it is wet finished". Thanks for the book. Digital will reach so many more people and we are all getting used to scans.

  8. Absolutely put Magic in the Water on digital format. This is how people read now! On their iPads or other tablet devises. Personally, I like to touch a page and have a copy of Magic in the Water on my bookshelf. I would buy a copy of your CD. Thank you for taking the time to do this! Wishing you the best success.

  9. I'm gonna go with "maybe." If the work involved fits in with your current energy level, go for it. If it is going to stretch you too thin, then wait till after the chemo's finished. But I agree, digital is better than no book at all. Take care!

  10. Absolutely, you should do it! The samples are great, a true treat and I am glad I have them, but the information is golden. I use it as a reference now for instructions on finishing different fibers.

  11. BUT what Sandra said. If your energy levels don't allow it, keep the project on the back burner until you have recovered from chemo.

  12. I want a digital copy but I want you healthy more -- so only go forward now if you have the energy. It (and the demand) will still be there when you are done with chemo.

  13. If the digital format was less expensive than the original (but still a price to provide profit!) I think you'd reach a great number of buyers. A book at a $20-40 price point is going to be accessible to many more weavers. Thanks!
