
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I had originally planned on doing the photography in the studio, but our 'summer' continues wet, grey and most of all dreary.

So instead I waited until Doug left for work then dragged everything up to the living room.  You can see just how dull the day is in this photo.  I didn't turn the photographic flood light on for the picture.

I have prepared all the samples by opening the staples from the back side but not yet removing them.  I'll do that as they get photographed.  Number 1 is ready to go, centred in the camera lens.  I'll trust Karen's younger eyes to decide if the macro range I've chosen is actually in focus or not.  It looks good to me, but I'm not trusting my eyes much these days.

With two of us the photography ought to go much more quickly than with one and I'm hoping to get everything done in a couple of hours.  And then I will have to crop the images, which I hope I can do tomorrow.  Or maybe even work on some tonight, although I do want to do some weaving today, too. 

My proof reader has done several pages and found 13 typos so far - 'an' instead of 'and' and so on.  Stuff spellcheck won't catch and my eyes/brain did not process.

This whole project had taken on mountainous proportions.  I'm pleased that it seems to be coming together relatively quickly.

ps - as well as the original 20 projects I will also be including the supplemental info from CD Weaver III as an appendix - It Isn't Finished - which has 5 additional samples.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,

    Thanks so much for taking on this project. Count me in for a copy.

    aka crosstownshuttler on Weavo
