
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Another Bumpy Fabric

This jacket is another fabric with 'bumps'.

The base fabric is Harris Tweed wool.  Harris Tweed is not Harrisville.  Two completely different yarns.

Harris Tweed is a singles, tightly twisted yarn which makes a sturdy cloth.  To this base I added stripes of 2/20 mercerized cotton.  There are two wefts - the Harris Tweed, and a 2/20 mercerized cotton which created separate 'ribbons' on the surface of the Harris Tweed that are a true double weave. 

The cotton woven into the Harris Tweed interferred with the fulling and I had to work very hard to get the cloth to full as much as I wanted to make this fabric work for a jacket.

My friend Darlene (who sewed this and many other garments for me) made the jacket reversible.  It has a hood and large shawl collar.  The model received this jacket as payment for the modelling job.


  1. I'm always intrigued with your
    yarn combinations! This is
    a truly beautiful jacket. I am really enjoying my CD "Magic in the Water".
    Thank you for making it available
    in this format.

  2. Thanks Judith - glad you're finding the digital version of Magic useful. :)
