
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Coat with Angora

This cloth was traded for a piece of bobbin lace made by a friend - she tried very hard to get me making lace.  At the time I resisted but eventually did take up the craft a number of years later.  :)

One layer is 2/8 cotton, the other layer is a wool/angora blend.

The photograph isn't really out of focus - the angora has developed a halo during wet finishing.  You can clearly see that the loom state sample looks very open and loose on the back side.  After fulling it closed up nicely and a slight rumpled texture developed on the surface of the cloth.

The two layers are connected by way of the two layers exchanging places.

Currently reading The Vault by Ruth Rendell (the latest in the Inspector Wexford series - I find her other books to be too dark/bleak, generally)

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