
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Still 'Finishing'

Still making like a slug and very slow moving but I am managing to just stay on top of what needs to be done.  :}

Today I had lunch with a weaving buddy.  So nice to get out and about and catch up with someone I see only occasionally.

Then errands - mail a parcel, pick up a reserved book at the library (and a couple more, just in case), up to the annex to fetch more boxes and drop off something I'd borrowed back to it's owner.  And then I pretty much crashed.

However I do have the boxes needed.  I just finished cooking dinner and carrying up several armfulls of scarves to check for pricing and start packing.  After I eat.

There are still a few more armfuls to be carried up but there is no more room on the table so I'll deal with these first.

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