
Monday, October 3, 2011

This 'n That

This is the corner where my electric bobbin winder is set up.  For the mat weft I'm using 4 strands of cotton - 2 strands of 2/8 natural, one boucle and one thick and thin.  Any 'bubbles' that develop from winding the four strands at once hide within the cloth and just look like more boucle loops.

One of the things you can sometimes get away with is using the tag ends of the tubes as a yarn package in the shuttle.  The 2/8 cotton is being used as one strand in the plain weave hems.  The tubes supplied by Maurice Brassard just fit into the Leclerc shuttles.  They can't be too full, but it saves winding bobbins.

One of the things you can do with blogspot is see your viewing statistics.  One of the categories they track is referring URL's.

Over the weekend there was a tremendous spike in traffic to this blog so I checked referring sites.  There were several very odd sites apparently referring to my blog.  I have no idea why these sites would be referring to my blog but it left me with an odd feeling.  Who was doing this, and why would they?

There are a number of reasons why I blog, all of them personal.  But one of the reasons is that I enjoy sharing my joy of weaving with other like-minded souls.  While I can see that I have lots of page views, your comments are the only way I know that people are appreciating my posts.

One of the reasons I enjoy travelling to teach is because at every workshop or guild meeting at least one person will come up to me and comment that they read my blog.  That feedback and the support given me during the past 6 months makes the time I spend writing the posts more than worth while.

So don't hesitate to make a comment!

Currently reading A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny


  1. I first came to this blog to learn more about weaving (which I have), but I've stuck around because I enjoy your company.


  2. I have learned so much from your blog...and I continue to think positive thoughts for your health!!! I admit that I sometimes use those little leftover bits on the cone in the shuttle. It fits...why wind it on a bobbin????

  3. I don't leave comments very often, but your posts are always read.

  4. Hi, Laura,
    I noticed a few new "came from" links over the past few weeks. I think there are a few new traffic aggregators out there trawling the web. Plus one interesting "came from" which was a goth social media site. I don't know a lot of goth weavers, but there are quite a few goth indy crafters - I wasn't sufficiently interested in joining the site so I could see the actual reference to my blog, though......

    But like many others, I learn from your blog, and like your company!
    -- Sandra

  5. Ha, Goth site, now that's funny! Who knew some of your lurkers liked black nail polish?

    I read your blog daily. While I am a techincally minded person, weaving terminology just wasn't clicking at all for me even after numerous books and videos. (Do cut me some slack, I've been losing IQ points daily from watching so many preschool kids' shows with my young ones!) But you take it and make it easy to understand by showing results and pictures and taking little bits like sectional beaming and AVL, and describe what you do in detail without a ton of jargon. And it's all making sense to me now. I can eat this elephant named weaving now, one small bite at a time. I've even adjusted my loom, something I thought I'd never be able to do right in a millon years.

    I bought magic in the water, full version, love it!, and it explained so much about finishing that I have been able to apply even to other fiber arts with great success.

    Please, keep posting, keep living, keep loving this craft. Your story is a beautiful woven tapestry intrically told with all the treadling patterns of life.


  6. I am mainly a knitter but my fiber friends have held my hand into the weaving world. Your blog helps me to get jump started to finish up a couple of projects I've started.....and then I get to read something I didn't know how to do...thank you for blogging about weaving and such. Maria

  7. The goth forum has come to my blog, too - plus a number of very odd sites, some of which I don't really want to be associated with. But I guess we all have to live with what hits we get... hoping that *perhaps* we help spreading the word.

  8. Hi Laura, Your blog is the first one that I read every morning. You're such an inspiration and a wealth of weaving information. Thank you for sharing and posting so often.

  9. Hi,
    I love your blog and read it regularly--I'm thinking positive thoughts for your health, I learn tons from you daily, and I am trying to weave more ergonomically! Thanks for all that you do!

    Oh, and when you recommend a book, I definitely get it from my library! I think I like the same reading material that you do! :)

  10. No Goths for me. :)


  11. Perhaps we come back to "view" your stories because we love the way you tell them. Whilst using the clearest of prose, you are so warm and human. Maybe it is that we can not be with you, so we just have to read you. Fond regards, Susan.

  12. I'm just guessing here while catching up on back reading. Goths and Society for Creative Anachronism folks intermingle with other groups. Please don't eliminate based on "titles," every mind has intelligence and that carries sparks of inspiration and carried knowledge. Just posting out loud. Ideas come from all over...
