
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Smooth Weaving

This morning I opened my email inbox and found the following message:

"I was weaving a scarf last night and realized something awesome. I just had to tell you that since watching your video a few months ago on throwing the shuttle, my edges have improved tremendously. I don't fiddle with them anymore and both edges look good! Thanks for sharing those videos with all of us!"

You Tube video

Rather made my day.  :) 

Weaving is a complex process but there are ways and means of making the whole thing go more smoothly.  It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish - your tools, your physical skills, etc.

In addition to teaching The Efficient Weaver at John C. Campbell Folk School next March, the guild in Sarasota FL is also interested in You Have to be Warped* as a workshop.  I'm looking forward to sharing hints and tips for improved efficiency with more weavers.  I'll be updating my website schedule soon.  Just waiting for contracts from a couple more groups.  I'm also looking at applying to ANWG for their conference in 2013 which will be held in Bellingham, WA but we'll see how that goes.  At any rate, I'm accepting more teaching contracts for 2012 and 2013 now.  (There is a possibility that I'll get to NEWS next year after having to cancel this year - watch my website on the schedule page for updates.)

Now that I'm (more or less) healthy, it is time to look at my workshop offerings and update them.  That is a job that I'll be tackling once I get home from our next road trip.  If you have a topic that you'd like to see me offer, let me know.  Sometimes others see us more clearly than we see ourselves.  :)

*The difference between the two presentations is that at JCC Folk School people have 5 days to practice the process while You Have to be Warped is more of a demonstration with limited hands on for the participants.


  1. Laura,

    I'm one of those lucky weavers that get to spend the week with you at John Campbell. I am really looking forward to it.


  2. Hey Cindy - glad to hear you'll be there. I will check with the School when I get home to see how registration is going. :)


  3. Laura
    my weaving has improved 100% since
    I've watched your You Tubes, bought
    CD Weaver, Magic on CD and my fabulous Doug fringe twister! Thank you for all the instruction you so generously pass on to the weaving community.
    But sometimes I wonder...who does Laura go to help! :)

  4. Quite often my students are my best teachers. :)

    who also has an extensive library to consult....
