
Sunday, December 11, 2011

And So It Begins...

Finally got the first sample warp off the loom today and set it up for cutting into samples.  I'm not entirely sure how much warp was left when I began weaving them, but if my math is correct (always a moot point!) there should have been exactly enough to do the samples (before and after finishing) for the first sample. 

However many samples I wind up with will be my 'print run'.  How's that for flexibility?  So, before I set up the loom for the next sample I need to cut up the loom state samples and see how many there will be.  No point doing extra samples if they aren't needed - that's just plain wasteful.  On the other hand, a few extra are nice just in case of oopsies.

Since this warp didn't start out to be samples it's going to be a bit of a challenge to cut up.  If I'd been clearer headed I'd have added 3 coloured yarns to the warp to act as cut lines but I didn't think of it.  In order to help me cut the vertical lines, then, I put a piece of masking tape down on the table and marked off on it where the cut lines should be.  The horizontal cut lines aren't as obvious as I'd like, either, but if I'm careful I ought to be able to mark the cut lines and then cut without too much difficulty.

Needless to say 3M is going to be benefitting from this project as I'll need miles of tape again.  Sure wish I'd bought shares when I first started weaving! 

The red 'thing' on the right is my Chicakee cutter (electric rotary cutter).  I have to get Doug to clean all the blades - it looks like he never found that round tuit after my last bout of sample cutting several years ago.  Hopefully he can do that tonight after his staff party.  They never go very late - the store opens again tomorrow at 7 am, although thankfully he doesn't start until noon.

The next task will be to clear out space in the studio for the electric stapler.  I have a corner I think I can fit it into if I shift a bunch of boxes currently living there.

While I'm doing those things I also need to redesign a couple of the warps for the workshop Magic in the Water part II, for Durham, NC which focuses on shrinkage differential effects.  Those will go onto the Fanny.

Next week is going to be a bit - um - scattered, I suppose - as I go in for #2 of the maintenance treatments so I'll spend time at the lab on Tuesday and several hours at the clinic on Wednesday.  It's also getting close to Christmas so there are some social events I plan on attending.  Not likely to be much weaving going on, at least until I can one or other of the looms dressed.

With 10 samples scheduled for the Big Project and one already woven, things are looking like they are well in hand.  :)  I received the yarn for the next two warps last week.  I'll be ordering the rest of the yarn next week as my supplier usually closes shop for a couple of weeks in January.

Currently reading - 3 of the George Gently series by Alan Hunter

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