
Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas To Me

When Doug asked me what I wanted for Christmas I told him there really wasn't anything I needed - or wanted - other than a new winter coat.

We take winter rather seriously around here (in spite of the too mild temps we've been having the past few years) and a good winter coat is a necessity when temps can dip to -20 or even -30.  Even though we haven't been having those kinds of temps, winter just lasts so very long here you wind up wearing a winter coat for months.  And my current coat was deficient in several areas. 

Since a coat is something that I need to try on and make sure it fit I set off for the mall this afternoon and spent a frustrating couple of hours trekking from store to store. 

It was nearly impossible to find any kind of selection of coats in my size and I decided that either the shops have determined that 'large' people don't need coats or all the 'large' women had scooped them up before Christmas and left the dregs for me to fumble through.

I finally found one coat that would do - except that it didn't have storm cuffs (and I'm tired of having cold arms) and it was rather more money than I was willing to spend, even on sale.  However it did actually fit (arms were long enough, shoulders broad enough) so I made a mental note and thought I'd try the other mall and see if there was anything at The Bay.

Back out into the sleety snow and another half hour of trying on whatever coats I could find in my size.  (Seems they had the same problem with sizes.)

After trying on nearly every coat in my size I was ready to give up and head back to the other mall but I made one last sweep through the department and found a coat that I actually liked.  It was a silver grey with a very light silver around the collar fading to a darker steel grey at the bottom.  It was a bit longer than I'd prefer but what the heck, figured I may as well check the size.

Oh my!  My size.  So I doffed my coat one more time, put on the coat and yes, it had storm cuffs, the sleeves were long enough, it had enough slack that I could wear a sweater with it and it was on deep discount.


I even got a further discount when I got to the till.  :)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  1. Looks like that coat would snuggle you good from the cold ...lucky break with discounts too :o)

  2. What luck! It fits, and it came with benefits too! Happy New Year to you and Doug.

  3. And being longer, it will be even warmer. Wear it in good health.

  4. Oh yes, I really like that colour. Glad you found a coat that does the job you need it to do! (Spot who is catching up on blog reading backwards...)
