
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Durham, NC, Here I Come....

Today I started working on the drafts and yarns for the Magic in the Water (part II) workshop for Durham, NC.

My workshops change with each group as I try to tailor the contents for each one - a southern group doesn't want a whole of wool, for instance!  So for this workshop I changed several of the drafts that called for wool to something else.  There will be a little wool for some of the shrinkage differential effects, but those warps only have a bit of wool in them so should be interesting to the participants, and possibly even something they might try for those effects.

Although the group has a whole lot more eight shaft looms than what are usually available, not all of the drafts require 8 which should make weaving a little faster.  For those weave structures that are really slow to weave, I set up duplicate looms.  In this workshop there are four warps that are duplicated.

My goal is to have everything for this workshop ready to mail out next week.  Since I am doing 4 different groups with 5 different topics, I will be mailing as much as possible ahead of time, which will make for a rather large box going to Durham.  :)

I usually bring cones of yarn for the A Good Yarn presentations, but I think I am going to have to wind mini skeins as I am doing this topic as a guild program for Durham, and two one day presentations for Sarasota FL and Asheville NC.  With so many flights the danger of the airline losing my luggage increases with every flight I take and I don't want all my eggs in one basket, so to speak.  :}  So, once the drafts/yarn packages are done I'll drag out my skein winder and start winding skeins.

The handouts for A Good Yarn need deep editing so that will have to be done next and then I'll get back to the pamphlet on being in business. 

I want to get all of these things done in the next couple of weeks because I am going to have company from a travelling weaver in February, and then March will be here and I won't be.  ;)  And sometime soon we are hoping mom will be getting her surgery.  I'm keeping fingers crossed that my cousin's wife will still be willing to travel with her.

Currently reading Sidetracked by Viven Lougheed

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