
Sunday, January 1, 2012


grateful for when warps turn out the way I want them to....

With the dawn of a new day and year I find myself looking forward to 2012 with a great deal of gratitude and optimism.  Not to mention a huge dollop of relief that 2011 is over!

I am grateful that the lymphoma was discovered so early and that the oncologist didn't let any grass grow under his feet dealing with it.

I am grateful for the friendship expressed in good wishes from so many people, many of whom I've only met via the internet.

I am grateful the journey wasn't more difficult than it was and that remission came 'early' so I didn't need to have the last 2 chemo cycles.

I am grateful the oncologist successfully made the case for me to receive the maintenence protocol which will extend remission for several extra years.

I am grateful that the underlying cause of my continuing fatigue appears to have been indentified and that I will start treatment for that soon.  Not to mention the discovery that my immune system is seriously compromised from additional nutritional deficiencies (which no doubt led to the lymphoma developing in the first place).

I am grateful that I can still weave and write and teach and will have the opportunity to do more of that this coming year.

I am hopeful that this year will finally bring good health and fewer 'challenges'. 

I am hopeful that mom will get a surgical date soon and that she will pull through it to have better health, too.

I am hopeful that I will meet some of you in person as I travel this year.

2012 - the year of gratitude and optimism.........


  1. Those scarves came out perfectly! I echo your hopes for the new year.

  2. What a lovely post - and what lovely cloth too ;-)

  3. I hope all of your hopes & dreams come true. May the new year bring you good health, wealth, peace & happiness.

  4. 2012 will be such a wonderful year for you, Laura. I´m glad I have known your work, and you - not face to face, but still in an interesting way. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your fears and hopes with us all. And remember - we, your cyberfriends, will always be by your side, even if you can´t see us!

  5. Best wishes for Health & Happiness in 2012, Laura! Big hugs!

  6. What a great post! You said it so well. I too am glad to be entering a new year and feel some optimism for the months to come. Thank you for sharing with us.

  7. Glad to hear you're in remission. I know how daunting physical problems and illness can be. Happy New Year!

  8. Happy new year Laura! I'm grateful for all of your wonderful blogs and great insights you share so freely. I have learned so much to improve my weaving because of your wonderful postings!

  9. Best wishes in every way for 2012 and beyond. Thanks for your generosity in your blog.
