
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weaving Interrupted

With the phone call last Friday giving mom her surgical date (Feb. 16 - to be confirmed the week prior), we were set into a bit of a frenzy of activity.  We want to get her house listed with a real estate agent before she leaves, so the last of the clearing out has to be done before the house is listed, plus arrangements for care made.  It appears that - all being well - the day she arrives home from Vancouver is the day I will be leaving for the long planned trip to NC/FL.  I guess I'll wave at the bus as we pass on the highway.

(The workshops at Durham and John C. Campbell Folk School are full but Sarasota and Asheville still have openings.)

I did finish the first of the two warps of huck lace, cut up the loom state samples, wet finished the rest, calculated how long the second warp needed to be and wound that warp.  With the distraction level much higher than I'd like I was very grateful to have my system of keeping track of a more complex threading to fall back on because I kept losing my concentration and having to go back to check the repeats.  One more phone call to make today (the rest will be made once surgery is confirmed for the 16th) an appointment at the bank, and then I can finish threading and hopefully start weaving this afternoon.

But progress has continued on the Big Project.  Last night at guild I prepared another of the yarn samples to be stapled to the card with the woven swatches.  Hard to believe that 150 tassels of yarn would take nearly two hours, but that's what it took.  Of course I was using the thrums from the warp so that probably took longer, but I felt somewhat virtuous by upcycling what would otherwise be 'waste'.  :)

I also pressed a huge pile of placemats (36) and towels (19) and have made a good dent in the hemming.  Tonight is a 'good' night for tv so I'll probably settle down after dinner and have a tv/hemming fest and see if I can finish the mats, at least.

Currently reading Blind to the Bones by Stephen Booth


  1. Oh goodness, that's quite a distraction! Still it's good to have a date, even if it is coming up sharpish... I do hope everything goes well for your mother.

  2. Thanks Cally - the waiting was wearing, so at least we can now get things ready. :)

