
Monday, March 5, 2012

Durham, Day Three

We finished up by 3 and it was a lovely day.  A bit on the cool side, but a little sun, a little wind, and most of the samples dried so that we could cut them up and people could get them home without worrying about them being wet.  :)

Tomorrow is an 'easy' day.  My flight to Sarasota leaves at 2 pm so we can have a leisurely morning and not have to worry about rush hour traffic.   Wednesday I have a 'rest' day and Winnie and I talked about having a walk on the beach.  Here's hoping that we have good weather down there.


  1. Walking on the beach is good whatever the weather! (sez one who eent to the outer Hebrides for holidays in November...;-)

    (they sure can't spell at the ww place - "asten aritmi" - shouldn't that be "aston martin"??? or am I too old, yet again...)

  2. Enjoy your R&R in Florida. I hope your trip to Folk School has better weather than last year!
