
Monday, March 19, 2012

An Easy Day

We spent the morning and early afternoon visiting with a group of spinners/knitters/weavers.  I managed to hem four of my towels in between chatting.  When we got back to the house I dug through the boxes of inventory to see what was left and the fact is, there isn't much.  Especially when I removed the dyed yarn which I need for the HWSDA conference in May. 

As soon as I get home I'll have to start pouring on the coals.  I need to finish weaving the samples for the Big Project, write the text and start production for the sales beginning in September.  I knew in the back of my mind that I was low on inventory - just didn't realize how very low that was!

I think there is a study group or guild meeting tomorrow so the bucket with hemming will go with me again and we'll see how many more I get done.  I have 16 that I brought with me and 6 more that I wove at the John C. Campbell Folk School.  I'm hoping my hostess has a sewing machine handy so I can secure the ends and get them run through the washer and dryer.  Who knows, maybe I can get them hemmed too?

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