
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Loom Music

bucket of 'spring' towels ready for their final press - hope to get them listed on my Art Fire Store next week....

People sometimes ask me if I manage to read so many books because I listen to audio books.  The short answer is - no.  I used to listen when they came on cassette tape.  Each side was around 45 minutes and I'd go weave and listen to a side, then take a break and come back to weave some more while listening to the next side. 

But the technology changed just around the time I was having increasing issues with fatigue and I found that if I just listened to music I could find my zone, get into my groove, and weave.  The music kept me in rhythm and somehow carried me along with the beat.

I admit to having rather eclectic tastes in music but what I mostly listen to when I'm weaving is good old rock (and sometimes roll).  What can I say?  I'm of that generation.

(Anyone remember the quote from Mick Jagger saying he wouldn't be up on stage after 50?)

Today I managed to get into the studio and weave - so far 4 towels - in between visiting with a couple of friends I hadn't seen for over a month.  It was great to catch up with them.  It also felt great to be back at the loom, finding my zone, getting into my groove.  I'm still hoping to get this warp off the loom tonight, cut and serge the 10 towels and run them through the washer/dryer so I can go pressing tomorrow after bobbin lace.  Another hour or so of weaving - I think I can, I think I can....

Today's weaving brought to you by Doc Walker, Bruce Cockburn and Eric Clapton


  1. I am of the same generation. I usually have the tv babbling in the background. Maybe I need to switch to music to find my groove! :-)
    The towels are lovely.

  2. Thanks Martha - I'm pleased with them. Doesn't look like I'll get to the studio today with other things happening - lunch with mom and her buddies (she's recovering well), bobbin lace and pressing.


  3. Dan asked if you knew whether you were weaving to a 4 4 beat. LOL. That quickly turned into a discussion on recording the sounds of weaving with some guitar licks added in. Then onto the name for the song...Riffs and shuttles. LOL

  4. Been too many years since I studied music - just know that it helps keep me going. :) Hmm - song titles - will have to think on that one! :D

