
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Deja Vu

And here is the second warp, same as the first.

I don't know why I'm in a blue/green mood - green isn't usually one of my preferred colours to work with, and quite frankly, green doesn't generally sell all that well.  But blue/green it is.

The last warp came up short 45 samples but I was enjoying weaving on this warp so much I had already planned to do another one to make some towels for gifts/sales.  And I was pretty sure the warp wasn't quite long enough anyway as I'd made the samples a bit longer than planned in order to show the hem and have a good sized sample of the towel body.  So it was no surprise that I was going to have to do this warp all over again.

Will I be bored doing exactly the same thing once more?  No.  I don't get bored weaving.  I think it is because I am, by and large, a 'process' person.  I get into my zone and just enjoy the process as a working meditation.

Sometimes I use the time whilst weaving as an opportunity to think about future warps or projects or mull over the course of my life path and wonder about changing direction.  Or just settle into the rhythm of weaving with the music in the background carrying me along - the wind beneath my wings as it were.

Life has been rather more challenging than expected - or hoped - with my mother's back to back surgeries. She bounced back from the heart surgery so well, this one is proving more difficult - both in the actual physical recovery and in the emotional impact it is taking on her.  But I think she's turned the corner and we are hoping that by the time I leave for Alberta that she will be a lot more independent.  She's a very independent person, more used to being the helper, not the helped, and she is finding being dependent upon others very trying.

But I have made progress on the preparations for the conference the end of this month.  The skeins dyed last week are labelled although not priced, and packed up.  I'll have to remember to bring price stickers - and find my invoice so I can calculate the selling price!  The sample I'm knitting is looking good and hopefully the yarn will full the way I'm  hoping.  Won't know until it hits the water.

Like so many things about life - you never really know how you'll react until you encounter with the 'hot water'.

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