
Friday, August 3, 2012

Ladies in Waiting

It's always a bit of a let down when a student or company leaves.  I have so much fun talking about weaving, teaching/learning.  When it's time for them to go home, I kind of want to cry "Mooommmmy!  It's ooooover!"  :^)

Ah well - back to 'work'....

While my student was working on her own I started winding the last of the soy protein fibre into scarf warps.  There are still 4 more skeins that have to be wound onto cones, which I expect I will do in the next couple of days, and then it will be back to the small loom to weave them off.

The curtain fabric is almost finished and then I have to weave some samples for a possible commission.  I have mixed feelings about even tackling the samples because it is a quality of cloth that is much sturdier than I do for my usual products and I'm not confident I can actually make what the client needs.  So sampling is very much in order.  If I do get the order, some 'steady' income would be - well - wonderful.

The thing with weaving for sale is that unless you have a confirmed client, it's a bit of a crap shoot.  There is no guarantee you will find the 'right' person who loves your textiles enough to actually cough up their hard earned cash (or plastic, these days) to buy it.

So there are attractions to weaving to order.

There is also the challenge of getting it exactly 'right' and having a happy customer because if they don't like it, you can be 'stuck' with it - out the money for the yarn and all your time and no income to show for it.

So I will attempt some samples, see if I think the fabric will even serve their function and then decide if I will go ahead and send them to the client for their approval.

In the meantime, I have all these lovely warps - a heap of potential - waiting patiently for me to get to them.


  1. Hi Laura. Years ago when i wove for a living i managed to get hooked up with several interior designers so never had to deal with the customer direct. the work was either feast or famine but did keep a roof over my head. After 8 years i was burned out but the education and challenge was worth it.
    Good luck.

  2. I like commissions, because of the income. And then, as you write, one never knows what the customers will buy at fairs and shows, it's always a chance to take.
