
Sunday, August 19, 2012

One More

The warp is a muted blue black with turquoise (cyan) highlights.  The weft is a dark (blue) green.  I rather suspect that there will be some iridescence happening when it is finished.

The last scarf will have a black weft.  The only scarf in this run of - how many - 48?  more? - of scarves on which I used black weft.  And only because the warp has black in it.

While black is always a 'safe' choice when working with a variegated warp, I find that the value contrast is sometimes a little 'harsh' to my eye.  I've gotten comfortable using a very dark blue instead.  Or sometimes, as in this instance, a very dark green.  Or purple.  Or chocolate brown.  Each colour will shift the resulting cloth in the direction of the hue I am using.

Having different weft options allows me to make the same quality of cloth, using quite similar warp colours, but end up with a vast array of different scarves.  Sometimes the difference is subtle, sometimes it's more obvious.  But the range of scarves will look good when displayed together.

Currently reading Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson.  A bit different - will be interested to see how she ties in the several story lines/characters.


  1. I took a workshop from Michele Whipplinger years and years ago - she called them "chromatic neutrals." I've always liked that, and while I do use black weft alot, I also really like using a dusky purple - it really disappears. The scarves are lovely!

  2. I always keep in mind Michelle's mantra - White dilutes, grey muddies, black intensifies. Change that to value, and a whole new world opens up. :)
