
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Putting It All Together

Sometimes when I'm working on a new project I feel sort of like I'm assembling a glitter ball (mirror ball, disco ball).

Each project has many, many facets to be considered.  Each facet needs to be chosen with care (epi, weave structure, colours, dimensions) and arranged to produce the desired effect.

Producing a publication with actual fabric samples, a garment, whatever - the scope of the project goes far beyond just weaving the cloth.

Finishing details, garment style, accessories, fonts, even - all of these things are practically unseen - except for when they are 'wrong' for the project.  And then they stick out like a sore thumb.

Today as I was cutting the samples for the rayon chenille project I started thinking about the fact that I may be recruiting someone else to do this part for me.  And then I had to think about how to make the job go as smoothly as possible.  Things that I may take for granted may not be so obvious to someone else.

And so as I cut the chenille samples apart I thought about the warp for the next sample and how I could make it so that it would go ahead with the least amount of instructions or misunderstandings.

The next sample will be a solid coloured warp with a different solid coloured weft.  The weave structure will be more of a texture with no obvious markings for cutting the samples.  I had already woven in weft cut lines for myself and realized it would be a simple matter to include cut lines in the warp.  That way there would be no doubt about where the samples were to be cut.

Fortunately I had not started winding that warp yet, so it was a matter of a moment to grab a contrasting colour to wind cut lines and I got the first half of the warp wound after dinner.  The loom is empty so after the dr appointment tomorrow morning I expect to wind the 2nd half of the warp, rough sley and beam it.  We'll see if I can manage to thread and sley it as well.  With any luck it will be ready to weave on Friday.

I still have a great deal to do before I leave.  Part II of the Seattle guild presentation is in rough draft - I'm just mulling over if I want to include any further images.  The tags for the guild sale still have to be photocopied and cut apart.  Doug was doing laundry this afternoon so I can start packing my clothing as soon as it is dry.  The implements for the workshop in Texas have to be gathered up.  I will wind another project warp on Saturday so I can use the guild warping mill and that will be ready for me when I get home to slam into the loom.  The AVL needs to be threaded/sleyed/tied up and the lift plan generated.  Inventory and display stuff for the sale in Quesnel, which will be dropped off on my way south needs to be packed.

Lots of little mirrored facets to my life.  :)


  1. Some nerdy information: the first mention of a mirror ball (of this type) is from a ballroom dance in Boston, 1897.
    Mirror balls, ie a blown glass balls coated on the inside with mercury (or sometimes more precious metals) were popular as garden ornaments in Venice already in the 14th century.


  2. You're so right. Behind every new product their is so much work, which is invisible to the customer. I sometimes try to explain about trial warps, epi, shrinkage and so forth, and all the items than were not good enough to use/sell. We've got loads of trial scarves and wool blankets at home!
