
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Will I Ever Learn?

I live so far away from anywhere that when I make a trip I tend to cobble on one more thing, then one more, and.....

(If you want to know exactly how far away from anywhere I live, check out Prince George BC Canada on Google Maps, etc.)

This is what my lr looks like in the midst of beginning to pack.  Clockwise from the left - my attache case for the plane trip.  Behind that my roll aboard, ditto.  The grey bag beside those is my usual overnight case when I'm driving somewhere.  Beside that my 'big' suitcase with the stuff for Texas starting to go in.  At 12 o'clock (do young people still understand the orientation of 'clockwise'?) my handwork bin with a stack of tea towels for demo-ing at the fair and hand work for my 'off' days.  On the chair, my flight ticket, directions for the first two stops of my drive, US currency, cd with Power Point presentation for Seattle and miscellaneous stuff.  Beside the suitcase to the right is a plastic bin being returned to my hostess with jam jars (hoping for a refill of her home made raspberry jam - one of Doug's favourites!)  Plus their hostess gifts and more Texas workshop stuff.

Notice the one glaring thing missing as of yet.  My clothing and personal effects.

One of these days I will stop adding more events onto an existing trip, just because I'm passing by.  Maybe.

Currently reading A Wrongful Death by Kate Wilhelm


  1. If I sit back really far, you're very close to Edmonton, Calgary and Seattle, I see.

    I don't like the "getting there" part so I tend to cram trips, too. I enjoy the "being there" more, even trips into my nearest town which is 15 minutes away. :->

  2. Hmm, 2790 miles from there to here. Just down the road a piece! :)

  3. Yes, Seattle is a tad further than Edmonton or Calgary but they are each a - sort of - long day's drive. I'm actually going 30 miles south of Seattle and this time will be stopping at my in-laws overnight and doing the 13 hour trip in two days.

    Getting too old to be driving 13 hours in a day! :}

    Cindy, you and Dan may need to hop in your trailer next summer and escape the heat? The Canadian Rockies are pretty fabulous. :^)


  4. i read your blog daily and live in puyallup, give a wave as you go by!have a great trip!

  5. Hi Heather, I'll be demo-ing at the Fair on Monday the 17th at 1 pm. :)

  6. that is so awesome! we have such a nice fair. should be nice weather to :) how late are you going to be demo-ing? i work nearby until 3:30 and i have a free ticket. :)

  7. I think my demo shift is 1-4 in the Artists in Action display - Red Gate, under the grand stand.

  8. My shift is 3-8 pm Monday. :)

