
Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Year

Yes, yes, I know that technically it is still the 'old' year, but today was the last commitment of this year for me so I feel as though I'm done with the old one and am now looking towards 2013.

Yesterday I wound 3 warps for the article (proposed) for Handwoven, and today decided that to fully illustrate what I will be talking about I really need one more.  No hardship there, I really like this stripe design and don't feel I've yet fully explored the possibilities.  And this is with just one of several variegated yarns available to me.  Not to mention I've still got a huge stash of 2/8 cotton to work with.  :)

Today was the date I set for the Jan/Feb workshop organizers to give me the official go or no go.  Memphis will get back to me tomorrow (their meeting was today) and I'm still waiting to hear from Chattanooga but otherwise everything is pretty much lined up.  I still have to confirm the guild presentation for Nashville but that's a minor detail.

In between weaving these warps for the article I'll be pulling yarns, revising drafts and packaging up the workshop materials/handouts.  I'm hoping to get everything into the mail by Monday, Dec. 24.  The line ups at the post office should be minimal - way too late to be sending parcels for Christmas - so I shouldn't have to wait on line for ages like I've been doing lately.

We are just one week away from the solstice, and I'm working on some lovely spring colours.  My new year has begun!

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