
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Longer Days

The days aren't actually any longer - they still come with 24 hours in them - but the day light is coming earlier and leaving later.

I'm still fighting through a lack of energy and not accomplishing nearly enough during the day, but at least I feel like I've made some progress this week.

I now have tickets to Sweden.  The trip over is going to be a killer journey, but there will be several days in which to recuperate from the jet lag before we leave for England and Scotland.  We will go directly to Scotland where I will present a one day Magic in the Water near Aberdeen on May 4 and then we will wander southwards, hitting as many textile related museums as we can before returning to Sweden for my trip home and last Rituximab treatment on the 22nd of May.  My understanding is that after I'm done with that I will meet with the doctor(s) at the clinic every three months for monitoring - but that will be confirmed after treatment #8.  And then I will have to factor that commitment in when I book teaching/trips.

Right now I have only the one teaching event in January of 2014.  I would be nervous about that but the past 5 years have taught me that usually the universe clears the decks in order to bring on something else - something that I have not anticipated - but generally works out in the end.  While I have a couple of irons in the fire, I was hoping they would happen this year, but who knows?  Maybe they are going to happen next year instead.  This year is already pretty fraught with commitments.  And my inventory is very low - one of these days I need to work on getting more stuff woven!

To which end - this warp is doing a dual purpose - sample #2 for AGY:L&H (and a little cotton) plus some more lighter weight tea towels.  I have quite a few of the heavier ones made from 2/8 cotton and cotton slub (although colours are limited - I really should get a better colour selection made - more yarn needing to be purchased!) but am running low on the lighter weight ones.

This warp is 2/16 cotton and the weft will be 2/8 cotton/hemp - blended like cottolin but with hemp instead.  It looks rather like cottolin, and I will have to keep the two yarns well separated on my shelves so that they don't get confused.

I have also chosen a colour palette for the warp for some tops, which will also be a sample for AGY:L&H.

I am getting quite enthused about having some handwoven garments I can wear to conferences and things.  Whether or not I can actually get them made for this year?  Well, like I've said previously, I really don't have any time to waste so I'd better find a fistful of round tuits very soon!


  1. Can I just mention that I'm nicely positioned between Belinda and England, and that my studio is across the street from a textile-related museum??!

  2. Hi Cally, we have already highlighted you as a destination! I think I've actually got my tickets sorted now - ran into a glitch on the Swedish end. I'm sure we will be in touch closer to the day. :)

  3. Excellent! Hope the ticket trauma is short-lived. I hate having to get all those little details lined up - as soon as you get nine in a row the tenth one pops up.

  4. Got the Swedish connection sorted. Should have my tickets by the end of the week.
