
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Random on a Wednesday

Why is it so hard to wait for word on a creative project tossed out into the arena of possibility?  Perhaps that is what that much vaunted virtue of patience is all about?

Waiting for 4 different projects/applications to come to fruition...or die on the vine.  Impatiently.  Those that I am in control of seem manageable, but waiting for other principals to say nay or yay is vexing.  Although I'm getting better at it.  Perhaps I am learning patience after all?

There needs to be a different word than 'survivor', which assumes that cancer has been vanquished entirely, or 'warrior' which, to me, supposes an active battle.  What do people like me call ourselves when we are in remission but with the expectation that, at any moment, the big "C" can come creeping back into our lives?

The news at the clinic today was good - no current signs.  Yay!  But always, in the back of my mind, is the knowledge that time is limited and that if I have any goals in this life I need to work on them now, not some nebulous day in the future, because who knows when it will seep back into my body....

Perhaps the word 'patient' is most applicable in this case?

Why does the price of gasoline rocket skywards (up 17 cents per litre over 3 days) but come down oh, so gradually?  Usually right before I'm to make a long road trip?  I hope we are not headed towards $2/litre or more, although that is what they are paying in Europe.  Which probably means that the prices over there are going to go up, too - right before my planned extensive road trip from Sweden to the UK (including Scotland) and back to Sweden.  Sigh.  (And yes, part of that trip will be by ferry - there is no road from Sweden to the UK.)

Why are there so many books but my fav authors write so slowly?  Of course I'd be disappointed in them if they wrote faster and with less care....  Came home with half a dozen books from the library and put nearly a dozen more on my request list today.  You'd almost think I had time to spare for reading?

Why do I need to buy more yarn when I've already got yarn surplus to requirements?  Why is what I have never what I want/need when I want/need it?

My name is Laura and I'm a yarnaholic....


  1. Just so you don't think you're the only one: My name is Sandra and I'm a yarn addict.

  2. My namne is Laila and I'm a yarnaholic to... And I needed to fill gas in my car today and it cost 14:98Sek/liter :-(

  3. Yikes, Laila - that's a lot of money. :( Hope 'they' develop alternative energy source(s) soon! Where are you located in Sweden?


  4. I'm living about eight (Swedish)miles north of Gothenburg .
    One thing thats "funny" about the gasprice is that just in December paid less than we do now when the SEK is much stronger against the USD. Experts have comment it in the newspaper with remarks like "We don't understand" or "This time a year the prices generally are low - the don't go up until spring/summer".

  5. Same here - with the Canadian $ stronger than it's been in a long time we are still paying *way* more for gas than they do in the US. :(

    I'll be visiting near Vaxjo (don't know how to make the special characters) so probably not close enough for a visit. :)


  6. Aha, so that's why we pay a lot, so they don't have too ;-)
    Well, Växjö is about 25-30 miles from here and in summer I'm visiting my aut in Skåne so who knows. I suppouse you are visiting Kerstin in Bergdala? She is on my "whish to go and see here weaving list"


  7. Yes, I'll be visiting with Kerstin. We will head to the UK for a quick tour but I'll be in Bergdala for a few days the end of April and back again mid-May. I have to be home by the 18th for my 'last' Rituximab treatment. :)


  8. I agree--there needs to be another term than "survivor." (Two of my friends had breast cancer; thankfully they're fine right now.) Perhaps the problem is that terms try to put things in neat little categories, but each person's experience with cancer is unique. I say call yourself anything you want (or describe your experience anyway you want)--do what works for you.

  9. Thanks Terri - you are quite right - I need to define my experience in my own terms. :)

