
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Anne Field

some of the scarves woven since arriving home...not wet finished

This morning the news that Anne Field passed away hit the internet.  As I finished scarf #28 this morning I thought about the weavers that I have known, some all too briefly, that have passed on leaving the weaving community 'less' than it was before.

The weavers who, through their example, showed the way to create cloth and, through their teaching (personally and/or through their written work) made all of us better weavers.

Our best tribute to those who have gone before is to continue to learn as much as possible about how to make good cloth.  Take their work further.  Spread the knowledge wider.  Acknowledge the legacy they have left behind.

I rather flippantly said on a chat group that if there were no looms in heaven I wasn't going.  Allen Fannin responded "I'll see you in the other place, Fry!"

Where ever those weavers have gone to congregate, I will go.  And sit at their feet.  And learn.


  1. Your scarves are just wonderful, so full of light and promise.

  2. Even bot yet wet finished, those scarves are stunning!

  3. Thanks for this beautiful tribute Laura, Anne Field was a giant among us, she will be missed.

  4. The colors of these scarves are just fabulous.


  5. The news of Anne's passing is especially poignant to me this morning, as I have just borrowed one of her books from the library, the 4 shaft table loom, and am working through summer and winter patterns. This book is the clearest I have ever read for beginner weavers, and have been enjoying it very much.
    There is a quotation from Albert Schweitzer to the effect that we will never be happy until we realise that the only life worth living is a life of service.
    From my little perspective, I can say she had a happy, helpful life. Fran

  6. Laura those scarves are beautiful! I can't wait to see them finished! I just bought some Habu thread that is silk and stainless steel! What was I thinking? It is a beautiful silver gray and I want to use it with 8/2 black tence in a shawl. Trying to expand my horizons!
