
Monday, June 24, 2013

A Day Off - Sort Of

It took me a long time to get into gear today - even with 3 cups of high octane coffee.  The conference had been pretty intense, the worry over the flooding in Alberta affecting my friends (and not to put too fine a point on it, selfishly, sales at Fibre Week in Olds) and the long drive there and back.  Add to the mix too many allergens and too little 'safe' food and it's not much wonder I arrived home exhausted.

However, I did finally manage to pull myself together, deal with mail, banking and picking up my new (perfect, this time!) care tags, came home and unpacked the 12 painted warps I picked up from the dyer on the way home.

I left the small loom set up with a lovely bright fushia/orange warp on it so I won't get to any of these right away.  The other warp will have to be woven off first.  :)

The order from Silk City with the Bambu 12 should arrive any day, plus with the fine yarns I bought at the conference I will have plenty of weft to carry on with weaving these scarves.

I still haven't even opened my big suitcase.  There are three seminar topics worth of samples in it, which have to be unpacked, sorted and then the appropriate samples for the two topics at NEWS packed up.  I leave again in 13 days, which sounds like a lot except for all the medical stuff that has to be done between then and now, the dye day with 3(!) new guild members dying to learn how to dye, etc., etc.

But a 'light' day was necessary today so that I can jump back into the fray tomorrow.

For now I think a little loom therapy is in order.  Seems like I've been away from the loom for longer than 5 days!


  1. I know I'd have a hard time keeping my hands off those newly painted warps! You'll have fun with them, I know.Glad you're home safe, and it sounds like you had a good time, in spite of being an exhausting time. Conferences are like that :-)

  2. Yes, conferences come at just about the 'right' intervals - most of the time! With NEWS following hard on the heels of ANWG, I'm going to get lots of inspiration to store up for the next while. :)
