
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Labour Pains

Most authors write their books, edit them and then hand the next step in the process over to a band of experts.

Not me.  Nuh-uh.  No, I have to do publications with actual fabric samples.  So instead of just writing, I'm weaving (and not just one for pretty pictures, but enough for each copy), which opens up a whole other set of tasks.

Like wet finishing, cutting, stapling.  Then, there is the assembly.

Fortunately the guild has a fairly large room with lots of tables so we lugged everything (and by we I mean Doug) up the long set of stairs.  After picking up the text pages we (and I do mean we, this time) inserted the pages into plastic pocket pages.  Once that was done, the text pages and sample pages had to be collated and everything put into ring binders.

9 'man' hours, give or take, just to get everything put together in a nice (I hope) attractive package.

But, it's done.  Now I'm thinking about the wisdom of just doing eBooks - a whole lot less work, really....and I'm sure our backs would really appreciate not having to stand for 4 or 5 hours shuffling paper.

Speaking of which Magic in the Water is available as a pdf download or on a flash drive....


  1. The woven samples are invaluable for the AGY series, but I must say, I *love* my e-Magic. It's still an excellent resource as an ebook! I think many topics lend themselves to a digital format -- for example, I think the information you taught in Warping Fast, Weaving Smart would translate well to an ebook, especially if you could get excellent, clear photography and/or illustrations!

    That said, I'm looking forward to receiving my copy of this book and appreciate you and Doug putting it together. :)

  2. I agree about eBooks - perhaps an eBook with the text, and a packet of woven samples mailed for books that require them, like the AGY series. And I'd love to have your workshop information in eBook form!

    It's nice to see pictures of my book being assembled. :)

  3. Just waiting for the shipping boxes - still on a truck somewhere when I went to pick them up.

    As for the info done at Atlanta? Did a CD with text, photos and video clips. Got tired of trying to keep the file format consistent with changes in technology. Not to mention the people upset because "CD Weaver" wouldn't run in their DVD player. :-/

    Could always contact Interweave and say you want one done by me??? :^)

