
Saturday, July 6, 2013


I think this photo shows off the iridescence in scarf  #83 quite well.  As usual, click to biggify.

One of the ways to get iridescence is to cross the warp with a complementary colour - in this case a red violet weft on a mostly turquoise blue/green warp.  This is one of the 'test' colours the dyer did for me.  I told her I didn't necessarily want completely 'level' colour and I think she nailed the ever so slight variation perfectly for weft.  :)

The scarf isn't wet finished yet, and I am hoping the iridescence intensifies after a good hard press.

I didn't sleep well again last night.  For so many years I slept poorly that I've been rather enjoying the fact that 9 nights out of 10 I do actually sleep.  Last night appears to have been number 10 and it took ages to get to sleep so today I'm sleep deprived.  Therefore I'm beginning to really feel the stresses and strains of the last while.  The only 'down' time I've had this year were the 3 days after a trip when my back went 'out' on me and I was literally forced onto my back to let it rest.

As I peruse the calendar, I don't see any time in the near future for any sort of 'holiday'.  Even the trip in August is by way of being a working holiday, as enjoyable as it will be and as much as I am looking forward to it.  :-/

So I am thinking that the weeks between Boston and my departure for Departure Bay I'm going to have to crank back the dial and not set my daily goals quite so high.  Because as soon as I get back from the August trip I will be back to looming critical deadlines.

On the other hand, if I don't work at least a little bit during that three weeks, it will make the pressure in September and October even worse.  So perhaps any sort of 'holiday' will have to wait until after John C. Campbell in January, after which I will go to Florida to visit with friends there for a few days.  And this time, Doug will get to join me there.

Perhaps there is good reason for my calendar next year to be so empty?

Registration for Weaving Boot Camp should open in the next week or so.  Check the folk school website for details.


  1. The iridescence is lovely. It'll increase after wet finishing. As for sleep, you and me both. One word: melatonin, 1 tab at bedtime (or when you've failed to get to sleep for a couple of hours). No side effects. My cardiologist says it's okay to take as needed.

  2. Your new scarf is marvelous!

  3. Laura the iridescence is just beautiful. Hope your sleepless nights come to end soon.

  4. I've got melatonin, didn't think to take it. :( Actually I should not complain - it used to be every-single-night I could not get to sleep. So being able to sleep most nights is wonderful. Just makes the nights when I can't seem that much 'worse'. :( Thankfully I slept well last night, because tonight will be the travel jitters keeping me from sleeping....


  5. Thanks for teaching me something new. I didn't realize that using complimentary colours would create iridescence. I definitely will try that in the near future!

  6. It *can*...only a sample will show for sure. Iridescence can be an elusive result. ;)

  7. I, too, love the iridescence. It's fabulous that you could capture it so well with your camera!
