
Saturday, October 5, 2013


Ending of the darkest of the turquoise and beginning of the paler turquoise weft.

Another example of my weaving a cloth 'back side up'.  I couldn't get a good shot of the under side (the 'right' side) of the cloth on the loom - it will have to wait until it's been cut off.

I am slowly picking my way (pun alert) through the cottolin.  It feels very satisfying to see that small hill of tubes and left over pirns from the summer tops melting away.  But there is still rather a lot of it left and it looks like it will take another warp to use it all up partly because of the colour combinations.  I didn't want to just toss all the colours together like fruit salad but to make something as pleasing to my eye as possible.

And who knows, I might even get a chance to finish sewing the summer tops next year?  She says, plaintively...

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