
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lull Before...

After a somewhat stressful day yesterday we have been able to have a leisurely day today.  We got to the hall by 10:30 am or so and started setting out the scarves, shawls, tea towels and the few place mats that are left.  We did get another couple dozen mats done during Studio Fair but there really aren't a whole lot of them.  We will soon see what, if anything, people are prepared to buy!

If we had more energy there are numerous things we could do here in Vancouver.  We could go see Granville Island, the art gallery, museum, shopping.  But we are tired, and none too sure that people will actually spend their money in my booth.  I hope, but....

What we have seen so far of the show is good.  There are craftspeople from across Canada with a huge variety of products.

I haven't seen the brochure yet but I hear there are something like 300 exhibitors.  The hall is filled with the hopes, dreams and designs of all of these people.  Here's hoping customers come and find a place in their lives and their gift list for some of them.

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