
Monday, November 4, 2013


Life is full of unexpected events.  Some are fun.  Some are interesting.  Many are positive, some are not.  A few are bittersweet.

Last week I found out that my friend who died last summer bequeathed her entire yarn stash to me.

Once our shows are done we will drive south and spend a couple of days going through her rather extensive collection, choosing what I can use and hopefully finding new homes for the rest.

I am touched beyond saying that my friend has given to me the collection of treasured choices she made over the years.  All her hopes and dreams of fabric she thought she would one day make with it.

Now it will be up to me to honour her and her creativity.  To remember her laughter and joy, the delight she took in the creation of cloth.  The potential locked within the threads she has left behind.



  1. Bittersweet indeed, what a lovely tribute to your friend. I wish you many pleasant hours of memories while you sort and finally weave with her yarn.

  2. Here's to many hours of honoring your friend as you create something beautiful out of her stash.

  3. Your friend knew what she was doing. You are an excellent weaver, a great teacher, a generous soul, and I'm sure a wonderfully caring friend. You will know what to do with all her yarn.

  4. What a lovely gift! Good thing you've been clearing off your shelves for the last couple of years so you'll have someplace to put your new treasures!
