
Friday, December 27, 2013

A Special Anniversary

Who would have imagined that when I chose weaving as a career it would span 40 years - and hopefully longer?  I'm not quite sure what I envisioned when I made that fateful decision around March of 1975 to become a professional/production weaver.

But in a little over a year, it will be the 40th anniversary of that decision.

Don't ask me why I'm thinking about this now with so many other critical deadlines on my plate, but other people, other businesses, do something to mark a significant anniversary.  So I'm thinking I ought to do something, too?

If I can figure out how to load a poll onto the blog, I will ask you, dear readers, for feedback on what that something special might be.

Nothing like having Another Big Project in the works for when the next one is done come May?


  1. Somehow, I feel that 39 is as easy to celebrate as 40. (And I'm envious of the headstart you've got on me, with only 20 under my belt!)

  2. It isn't the number but what you do with them. ;). And celebrating 39 is already underway with the Project That Cannot (Yet) Be Named. :)

    One of these days I would love to learn more about Jacquard weaving. Totally fascinated by the tour of Paradise Mills and Stacey Harvey Brown s studio...


  3. For your "Big Project," would you consider teaching a weaving class for Craftsy? I, for one, would love to take a class from you in person, but online is more realistically possible. You can propose a class here:

  4. Since Craftsy already has a class presented by Janet Dawson, I doubt they would want another. However, there are other plans afoot that may be what you are looking for. :)

  5. I voted for a towel because it seems like it would take so much less time than another book. Treat yourself nicely & reduce stress where you can!
