
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

One Tiny Bite

Managed one tiny bite - finished off the 'green' warp with some of the singles 16 half-bleached linen.  Unfortunately there is still some of the linen left after the warp is finished, but I think I can use that on the beginning of the next warp on the AVL.

I have also decided what to do with the variegated cotton flake.  After my break (icing my shoulder and resting for a bit) that warp will get wound.  I think there is enough for a 7 meter long warp which should yield 6 towels.  The thing is, I rather suspect there are a few more cones of that particular yarn somewhere in the boxes we packed for me to keep, but they might still be across the line.  So I'm hoping to just use up this one cone, at least to start.  This warp will go onto the Fanny.

Tonight is guild drop in and I may swing by the annex.  Doug unpacked all the boxes yesterday so I can at least see what I have.  That way I can begin planning the next couple of warps.

OTOH, I do still have a couple of deadlines I need to deal with, too, so we will see how quickly I can get cracking on the next couple of warps already in the queue.

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