
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Under The Hammer

Prairie Wool Companion - 5 issues

Weavers - the first 4 of many

A local guild member, inspired by dealing with Jean's weaving 'estate' decided to down size her studio, too.  She delivered two bunches of magazines today - Handwoven and Weavers.  

Since I'm already running an auction on eBay, I decided I'd simply carry on and just finished listing the 5 issues of Prairie Wool Companion as one item, and Weavers in bundles of 4, except for issues 43 and 44 which are listed as a pair.

And I realized I'd neglected my reading list, so since last time I included my reading materials I have finished Kathy Reichs' latest (title escaping me at the minute)  Raising Cubby by John Elder Robison and started Mercedes Lackey's Steadfast.  I have very little time or energy to read right now but I do try to fit a few minutes in here and there - at the doctor's office yesterday, the lab this morning, a few minutes before bed.

I am really hoping that when we've done with Lynn's yarns I can take a few days 'off' to recuperate from what has become an amazing year - all the trips, all the deadlines, all the stress.  The latest is Doug's step-mom who fell and broke her hip and is currently either still waiting for, or is in, surgery.

Any chance the shipment of 'boring' is arriving soon?  I could use a little.  Either that or a crate of energy.

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