
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Solstice

For me, the year more properly begins with the winter solstice.  While I don't live nearly as close to the pole as some, the daylight hours get very short at this time of year and with the grey dreary days we have been having, I am longing for more sun.

This time of year seems suited to taking time to withdraw from society, reflect on the year gone by, gather energy for the coming spring.  And all those deadlines lined up on my calendar!

I know this is supposed to be a really social time of year, but I 'spent' my social energies doing the shows and, quite frankly, I've had about enough of people for a while.  So no, we don't go to a lot of parties, nor do we have a lot of family gatherings, either.  I am content to spend time in the studio working with brilliant colours, dreaming fibre dreams and looking forward to all the wonderful opportunities I have awaiting me in 2014.

And because I am trying very hard to not buy more yarn, this red warp will have a design feature - half of it will be a deeper true red, the  other half more scarlet.  C'est la vie. Nothing is perfect.  Make lemonade.  It's how the light gets in.  Etc.


  1. What a gorgeous warp, Laura! I've spent the day decluttering my weaving work area, now it's much more useful and easier to use. I envision much more productivity and less irritation in the coming year.

    Happy Solstice, and Happy Holidays as well to you and your family. Stay warm and warped!

  2. Wonderful warp, sunshine on a winter's day. It is very fun to use up what you have. The one thing a handweaver can do is to make something unique. The cloth we make is truly alive and infused with our creativity. That's why when I go into a really old building where everything, all the masonry, the iron work, the wood carving, the glass work, I feel all that human energy that has made something beautiful.

  3. Laura, that warp isn't lemonade, it's beautiful! Can't wait to see it woven. Actually, I think it will help erase those grey, gloomy winter doldrums.

  4. Happy Solstice! That bright red is so cheerful - I hope it brings you energy to work on it.
