
Friday, January 3, 2014

A Sunny Day

at last!

I got up this morning determined to deal with the critical deadlines and by dint of fierce focus, managed to get everything done - except for one thing and that was because the website I needed wasn't up due to maintenance.  Oh well.  I did my part!  But I'm getting mighty fed up with websites that don't 'recognize' me every month when I attempt to send in my report and have to apply for another new password, etc.

But enough of that.

Today I expect to finish the red towel warp and install the blue one into the loom.  Doug is off pressing about half of the red stuff already woven.  There was too much for one day of pressing and I only do enough so that nothing is left over, damp in a bucket.  I'm hoping he will be able to continue on the wet finishing while I am gone so that when I get home all I have to do is hem.  But he may be busy with other stuff since Life Happened on Jan. 1.  Family comes first.

In an effort to continue stash busting Lynn's yarns, I decided to use up as much of these large novelty yarns as possible.  I think they are cotton but would have to do a burn test to be sure.  They will be combined with some 2/8 cotton and hopefully I might even get one of those warps woven off before I go, too.

But I also have the warps for dyeing to wind, the demo warp for John C. Campbell to wind, pack and a few other things.

But today is a sunny day.  Yay!

Currently reading Black Diamond by Martin Walker

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Laura! Hope Doug's family trouble resolves soon. We had a sunny day too. Somehow it just lifts the spirits - while lighting up the dirt in the corners!
