
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Number Crunching

The poll is over and the winner is quite clearly a publication.  Of course the target audience of this poll was, ahem, weavers, who can make their own tea towels, thank you very much.  :^)

However, it was interesting to see that there was some interest in a tea towel, too.  And there is nothing to say that I can't actually do both now, is there?

The other number of note on the page is the number of page views since the blog was started in August of 2008.  I never in my dreams expected any sort of readership.  In many ways the blog is a diary of my daily addiction to weaving.  It's a way for me to record some of the thoughts that rumble through my brain while I work in the studio.  Or think about weaving.  Or dream about it.

So thank you, dear readers.  Thank you for coming along on the adventure.  Thank you for your kind words in the comments section or in personal emails.  

It's been a rocky road at at times, but we all have them.  It's part of the human condition.  But knowing I had a cheering section sending positive energy and good wishes helped get me through the worst.

You keep me inspired to keep spreading the word about the joy of textiles.  In other words, it's all your fault I post as often as I do!  (Well, you don't think I'm going to accept responsibility for my verbiage, do you???)

One more sleep until I leave with an overnight in Vancouver, then onwards to North Carolina.  I am keeping fingers crossed that the polar vortex currently plaguing the eastern part of the continent weakens and the temperature warms up.  The intent was to run away from winter, after all.

I'm very tardy getting my suitcase packed but have all morning tomorrow as well as much of the afternoon as my flight doesn't leave until 5 pm.  Will post from the road when I can and perhaps one of the other students will help with that (right Cindy?)

Got a big bag full of books thanks to a couple of friends to enabled my reading habit with gift certificates, an even bigger pile of hemming, and a few items of clothing.  Well, one can always wash the clothes...  :^)

Currently reading Already Dead by Stephen Booth


  1. I do believe I can make sure you can keep the blog current. LOL I've already got a plan in mind!

  2. This is Suzanne from Dahlonega,Ga. Thought I'd let you know that the temperature here is rising some. It's supposed to be upper 50s by the weekend. So, maybe you can enjoy some warmer weather down here in the south. Wish I could have made your class; maybe next time you are at Campbell!

  3. This is Another Suzanne from Georgetown TX!

    Of COURSE you have followers! I've known you from the weaving list for years and Weavolution. I finally found your blog and discovered .....................You can write! It is an enjoyable read - an intelligent read - whatever you decided to talk about! Call me a follower!

  4. Have a great trip-I haven't been able to get into eastern Oklahoma since last weekend when a family death occurred. Fortunately the deceased asked for no service at this time so that turned out to be perfect. We're all reminiscing from our respective keyboards without spending nights in airports and days in line for canceled flights. Things are warming up in time for you to have a glorious time; please do enjoy all the beauty and bounty there is to be had. I'm sending good thoughts from the SF Bay.

  5. Hi Laura, I have been following you for several years, ever since I bought Magic in the Water from you. Love it! I am self teaching and it is slow going but I have picked up more from your blog, YouTube and weavolution than from any where else. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to put your thoughts out there for us to soak up and use!
    I live in Colorado and they are calling for 2 feet of snow where I live :( I'm with you, wishing for warm weather :)
