
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter Wonderland

Seems I have not yet run far enough to escape winter!

It sprinkled snow, sleet and rain yesterday, then began snowing in earnest around 8 pm.  This morning we woke to -12 C temps while at home, much, much farther north it was just zero!  It is supposed to stay cold all week, so perhaps I won't be sorry to leave and head for Florida on Sunday?

Today we hope to have a little loom time, helping set up a demo loom as well as tour Arrowmont.  The snow has stopped and the sun is poking through the clouds off and on.  The concern of the moment is that we have no hot water.  It could be worse; we do still have cold.  First priority was a big pot of coffee!

We have not been entirely without loom time.  While visiting the Tuesday Weavers yesterday we were allowed to help with some warp beaming and last night we messed with Cindy's band loom.  I had never woven on one, so it was good to have that experience.  Always something more to learn!  ;)

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