
Sunday, February 23, 2014

An Embarrassment of Riches

Some of the boxes of Lynn's yarn - 29 in total

This afternoon Doug and I went through all of the boxes of Lynn's yarn.  The second photo was taken after we were nearly finished.  Thank goodness the annex has a fairly large loading dock as we were able to open all of the boxes, sort through the yarn and divide it up into a) donations b) stuff to be re-coned for sale and c) stuff that I would keep in hopes of using it up, some day.

After spending 3 days from dawn to past dark doing the initial sort at Lynn's, then another almost 3 hours today, the yarn represents a significant investment in time - and the cost of bringing it home as well.  Since there were a number of yarns that she had collected in depth as well as breadth, I'm hoping that selling some of it will recoup the actual financial outlay of getting it home.

Doug will start coning the large mill cones off onto smaller cones suitable for an individual to purchase - not everyone wants a kilo of something, let alone several.  Most of the yarn is fairly fine so a little goes a long way.

Realistically, I have to come to grips with the fact that I could not possibly weave all of what I have plus all this yarn, too, in my lifetime!

We will offer some of it for sale at Fibres West in Cloverdale, BC in March, and again at Olds Fibre Week in Olds, AB in June.  We will also have the warping mill for sale.  The Leclerc warping board has been sold.

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