
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dream to Reality

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

attributed to Goethe

I met Mary Underwood a few years ago now, and she had a dream.  She had been researching Oscar Beriau - a Canadian I knew very little about.  She was looking for weavers to weave up the drafts in his books and I offered to contribute.  Well, many moons went by and finally I have started weaving my sample.  Watch for a guest post from Mary in a while where she will share her dream, and eventually what she has discovered about this extremely interesting man who quietly had an enormous impact on handweaving in Canada - and beyond!

I have to confess I am extremely nervous about my own next Big Project.  Things just became much more real today.  Even signing the contract - although that committment made the BP 'real' still didn't come as close as the next step - finding out today that yesterday the crew booked their tickets for May and making appointments for meetings to hammer out the details.  Ack!  This is scary!

But - I have a dream.  The BP is a project I have wanted to execute for a very long time, but knowing that I did not have the skills or budget to bring it into reality I honestly thought I would never have the opportunity.  This is even scarier than producing Magic in the Water.  With that project I knew that I had the skills and was young enough that I could finance it.  Now I'm much older - and potentially wiser - and relying on other people to bring this project to its conclusion.

I'm nervous I won't do a good job.  I'm nervous people won't like the end result.  All those stage fright butterflies are skittering around in my tum and the thought squirrels are bouncing off the inside of my skull.

But you don't succeed in making your dreams into reality but not trying.  By not answering the knock when Opportunity comes calling.  By getting so wrapped up in fear that you don't at least make the attempt.

So now I need to gear up, pull my big girl panties on, stiff upper lip, give it the old college try!  What's the worst that can happen?  Failure?   But giving up on a dream?  How can I possibly do that?  Time to be bold.


  1. Whatever your BP is - you'll do GREAT!!! So step forward with confidence.

  2. After reading your blog for a number of years from "down under" knowing your dedication, skill and attention to detail I am sure your BP will be fabulous. Good luck, I look forward to following your progress.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your BP come to life!

  4. Best Wishes on your wonderful new adventure.
    Stephanie S

  5. Go for it. I'm 100% with Goethe (or whichever clever person said it) and firmly believe that whatever you attempt will succeed wonderfully.

  6. You are going to do awesome!!!!

  7. Absolutely! Your BP will be stunning. And I might say that feeling as you do is surely a good sign? If we were totally confident and blase about important work, wouldn't that be a sign that the energy and enthusiasm needed for such a project is absent? We all look forward to being bowled over!

  8. Your attitude, your eagerness to seek new challenges, and of course your weaving, never ceases to inspire me.

    You are wonderful and your BP WILL succeed!

  9. Whatever you set your mind to, and put your shoulder into, you can do.

    So intrigued by the BP - you're such a tease!!

  10. I admire you for sticking with your dream.....for daring to do it...for being willing to dance with the song in your heart. It's uplifting to me when I see someone following their dream(s) and gives me encouragement that I, too, can follow mine. I can't wait to see your BP.

  11. This is not British Petroleum, I hope! And you'll regret it if you don't do this, I suspect. So just do it.
