
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Let the Show Commence!

Set up started at 1 pm today and we were hard pressed to get everything out on display.  In fact, we didn't.  There are several boxes under the shelves as over stock and hopefully lots will sell so we can put that out on Saturday.

My seminar is going ahead although I'm not sure how many participants.  At least four but there were a flurry of sign ups that happened this week so there may be more.

In addition to yarn I have some tea towels and scarves and Doug has a variety of different bobbins for spinning wheels, small weaving and spinning tools.  We brought the Glimakra warping mill but there is no place to set it up.

The hall is full of all manner of fibres, yarns and textile goodness.  Today the weather was fine, so we are hoping for good crowds.  A number of the seminars are full, but some still have room.  Come by booth 41 and say hi if you can make it.  

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