
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Little by Little

One by one, the samples for the next Big Project are getting done.  This morning I cut this one off the loom.  The green is much more intense in real life - the flash washed the chartreuse out I guess.  But never mind, it's done and the linen behaved beautifully in spite of the arid conditions.  When I started weaving yesterday the relative humidity was less than 50% - sub-optimum conditions for weaving with linen.

One of the reasons I used this yarn was that I recognized it as a very good quality 2 ply line linen.  As such it will transform quite nicely during wet finishing and should be a lovely textile when done.

On a personal note, remission continues with my next check up in 6 months.  So I'm free and clear for a while and can concentrate on what I want to accomplish instead of the niggling worry in the back of my brain box.  With the Big Project coming up in exactly 5 weeks and a 2 week road trip smack in the middle of that, I need my focus!

Off to contemplate a worsted fabric.  Not 'worsted' as in knitting terms, but 'worsted' as in suit fabric.

Currently reading The Likeness by Tana French


  1. So glad for such good news, Laura!

  2. Hurray for a good health report! You'll need to be at full strength to handle your busy schedule and the Big Project.

  3. glad your check up went well
    is the 2 ply linen 16/2 both warp and weft?

  4. oops
    Meant to sign Judy

  5. There was no size listed on the spools but it looks a lot like 16/2. And ties, both warp and weft.


  6. That's great news! Glad you can now be free to concentrate on big stuff coming up.

  7. What great news Laura! Let Spring and Summer come now to enjoy.

  8. Huzzah for your continuing remission! Love the line linen sample - simply beautiful

  9. yay for the good news about your health!
