
Friday, March 28, 2014

Neglected No More

Finished the worsted sample for the Big Project this morning and then got back to the sadly neglected AVL.  For the 'last' sample for the BP I want to use the AVL - for a number of reasons.  While I can beam a 2/16 cotton warp on the small loom, it's the case where I want to double dip, so to speak.  In other words, I'd like to use up some of the legacy stash and to do that a really long warp is going to be required.  Much easier and faster to dress the warp sectionally and do at least 30 yards.  That length isn't really practical on the Leclerc Fanny.

Before I can do that, I have to finish off the warp currently on it.  So far I've managed two sessions this afternoon and the plan is to go back again after dinner and do another.  I'm hoping to get this warp done by Monday, but I also have personal stuff to do on Sunday so that day may evaporate in terms of weaving.  Realistically it will likely be Tuesday before this warp will be done.

But hope springs eternal.

On the 'spring' front, I actually went for a walk today!  The sun didn't stay out but it was dry and the wind wasn't howling out of the north.  Unfortunately there is more snow in the forecast so we aren't quite there yet, but at least it looks promising.  


  1. This piece is gorgeous! I have lots of 16/2 cotton and am considering what to use it for - what will you weave with your 2/16 cotton?
    Love reading your blog!

  2. Beautiful cloth! I know the AVL probably needs shorter extender lines than some other looms. I see what appears to be tex solv on yours. Are they your extenders and do you put your warp over them when beaming or always avoid them somehow? I noticed on minimal width warps on your blog which are warped onto a sectional, you use a rod and the cording to the outside of the warp which is a great idea. How so, done sectionally? My texsolv goes around the sectional twice before the warp causing the warp to lie uneven. I don't want waste with such a wide width nor inferior cloth due to warping tension problems. Can you share your technique or a reference? Thank you.

  3. The next warp will be for towels. I like the finer threads for 'tea' towels. Thicker threads for towels I call 'kitchen utility towels'.

    I got my loom before TexZolv became available. My strings are cotton seine twine. I think I blogged about how I dress a loom with sectional rakes with an 'ordinary' warp, plus I believe I posted a detailed tutorial to my website. If you can't find it email me.

