
Monday, March 17, 2014

Upcoming Road Trip

It was supposed to rain today so Doug got the van loaded yesterday.  It is so full he had to leave 3 bins of stuff at home!  There is just room for one small suitcase each and everything we bring has to fit into our respective suitcases - no hang up for spare clothing.  I'm not sure I can even fit my attache case in - if I do it will likely be under my feet in the front.

I really hope there will be lots of people at Fibres West and that my yarns, textiles and Doug's spinning accessories will be snapped up!

The bad news is that my laptop doesn't run a Power Point presentation.  I'm hoping I will be able to borrow one for my seminar Friday afternoon.


  1. Laura, if you made the PP file on your desktop, was there a "save as slideshow" option? If so, maybe your laptop can play that if it can't do full PP duty. Hope the trip goes well, and you sell lots!

  2. Hi Sandra, I tried several different formats and the laptop was blind to all of them. However the organizer says she can provide one. :)

